Antonio Brogi
- Prospects for Quantum Software Engineering in the Next Decade - Supplementary material (Version 2)
- A declarative reasoning approach to conflict management in Intent-Based Networking
- A Logic Programming Approach to VM Placement
- Beyond Security: Understanding the Multiple Impacts of Security Smells for Microservices
- Carbon-aware Software Services
- Challenges of Quantum Software Engineering for the Next Decade: The Road Ahead
- Comparison of Static Analysis Architecture Recovery Tools for Microservice Applications
- Detecting and Resolving Bad Organisational Smells for Microservices
- FREEDA: Failure-Resilient, Energy-aware, and Explainable Deployment of Microservice-based Applications over Cloud-IoT Infrastructures
- From Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Software Engineering
- From Quantum Software Handcrafting to Quantum Software Engineering
- Model-Driven End-to-End Resolution of Security Smells in Microservice Architectures
- Towards enabling observability of energy demand, with NEST
- Towards Sustainable Deployment of Microservices over the Cloud-IoT Continuum, with FREEDA
- Triaging Microservice Security Smells, with TriSS
- Supplemental material for \"Multi-Layered Continuous Reasoning for Cloud-IoT Application Management\"
- A Proposal for a Continuum-aware Programming Model: From Workflows to Services Autonomously Interacting in the Compute Continuum
- Anomaly Detection and Failure Root Cause Analysis in (Micro) Service-Based Cloud Applications: A Survey
- Assessing and enhancing a Cloud-IoT monitoring service over federated testbeds
- Continuous QoS-aware adaptation of Cloud-IoT application placements
- Continuous QoS-compliant Orchestration in the Cloud-Edge Continuum
- Customisable Fault and Performance Monitoring Across Multiple Clouds
- Data-aware Declarative Application Management in the Cloud-IoT Continuum
- Declarative and Linear Programming Approaches to Service Placement, Reconciled
- Declarative Provisioning of Virtual Network Function Chains in Intent-based Networks
- Dispatching Shots Among Multiple Quantum Computers: An Architectural Proposal
- Distributing Quantum Computations, by Shots
- Estimating the Environmental Impact of Green IoT Deployments
- Green Orchestration of Cloud-Edge Applications: State of the Art and Open Challenges
- KubeHound: Detecting Microservices' Security Smells in Kubernetes Deployments
- Kubernetes-Enabled Detection and Resolution of Architectural Smells for Microservices
- Leasing the Cloud-Edge Continuum, à la Carte
- Model-Driven Security Smell Resolution in Microservice Architecture Using LEMMA
- Offline Mining of Microservice-Based Architectures (Extended Version)
- Secure Partitioning of Cloud Applications, with Cost Look-Ahead
- Semi-Automated Smell Resolution in Kubernetes-Deployed Microservices
- Simulating FaaS Orchestrations In The Cloud-Edge Continuum
- Smelling Homemade Crypto Code in Microservices, with KubeHound
- Sustainable Cloud-Edge Infrastructure as a Service
- Sustainable goal-oriented smart environments: a declarative programming approach
- Sustainable placement of VNF chains in Intent-based Networking
- To Security and Beyond: On The Impacts of Microservice Security Smells and Refactorings
- Tools Reconstructing Microservice Architecture: A Systematic Mapping Study
- Towards declarative intent processing and conflict resolution in IBN
- Towards Resolving Security Smells in Microservices, Model-Driven
- yRCA: An explainable failure root cause analyser
- Assessing Architecture Conformance to Coupling-Related Infrastructure-as-Code Best Practices: Metrics and Case Studies
- Compositional testing of management conformance for multi-component enterprise applications
- Data-Aware Service Placement in the Cloud-IoT Continuum
- Data-Aware Service Placement in the Cloud-IoT Continuum
- Declarative continuous reasoning in the cloud-IoT continuum
- Failure Root Cause Analysis for Microservices, Explained
- Lightweight Self-adaptive Cloud-IoT Monitoring across Fed4FIRE+ Testbeds
- Microservices Beyond COVID-19 (Invited Paper)
- Microservices Security: Bad vs. Good Practices
- Modelling and Analysing Replica- and Fault-aware Management of Horizontally Scalable Applications
- Offline Mining of Microservice-based Architectures
- Osmotic management of distributed complex systems: A declarative decentralised approach
- Pattern-Based Resolution of Integration Mismatches in Enterprise Applications
- People Counting in the Times of Covid-19
- Probabilistic QoS-aware Placement of VNF Chains at the Edge
- Secure Partitioning of Composite Cloud Applications
- Self-healing trans-cloud applications
- Serverless or Serverful? A Pattern-Based Approach for Exploring Hosting Alternatives
- Should Microservice Security Smells Stay or be Refactored? Towards a Trade-off Analysis
- Type, pad, and place: Avoiding data leaks in Cloud-IoT FaaS orchestrations
- A Declarative Goal-oriented Framework for Smart Environments with LPaaS
- Anomaly Detection and Failure Root Cause Analysis in (Micro)Service-Based Cloud Applications: A Survey
- Automated Generation of Configurable Cloud-Native Chaos Testbeds
- Automating the Deployment of Distributed Applications by Combining Multiple Deployment Technologies
- Corrigendum to \"Lightweight self-organising distributed monitoring of Fog infrastructures\" [Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 114 (2020) 605-618]
- Declarative Application Management in the Fog
- Declarative Goal Mediation in Smart Environments
- Declarative Osmotic Application Placement
- FaaSten your decisions: A classification framework and technology review of function-as-a-Service platforms
- From Serverful to Serverless: A Spectrum of Patterns for Hosting Application Components
- Green Application Placement in the Cloud-IoT Continuum
- Lightweight self-organising distributed monitoring of Fog infrastructures
- Placing FaaS in the Fog, Securely
- Profit-aware placement of multi-flavoured VNF chains
- Secure FaaS orchestration in the fog: how far are we?
- Smells and Refactorings for Microservices Security: A Multivocal Literature Review
- Tailoring Technology-Agnostic Deployment Models to Production-Ready Deployment Technologies
- The (μ)TOSCA toolchain: Mining, analyzing, and refactoring microservice-based architectures
- What Went Wrong? Explaining Cascading Failures in Microservice-Based Applications
- Cloud-native Deploy-ability: An Analysis of Required Features of Deployment Technologies to Deploy Arbitrary Cloud-native Applications
- Component-aware orchestration of cloud-based enterprise applications, from TOSCA to Docker and Kubernetes
- Component-aware Orchestration of Cloud-based Enterprise Applications, from TOSCA to Docker and Kubernetes
- Continuous Reasoning for Managing Next-Gen Distributed Applications
- Design principles, architectural smells and refactorings for microservices: a multivocal review
- Ensemble-Based Software Engineering for Modern Computing Platforms
- FaaSten Your Decisions: Classification Framework and Technology Review of Function-as-a-Service Platforms
- Fine-grained management of cloud-native applications, based on TOSCA
- How to place your apps in the fog: State of the art and open challenges
- Mining the Architecture of Microservice-Based Applications from their Kubernetes Deployment
- Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing - 8th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference, ESOCC 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 28-30, 2020, Proceedings
- Simulating FogDirector Application Management
- Technology-Agnostic Declarative Deployment Automation of Cloud Applications
- Testing Conformance in Multi-component Enterprise Application Management
- Towards Declarative Decentralised Application Management in the Fog
- Cloud Container Technologies: A State-of-the-Art Review
- Design principles, architectural smells and refactorings for microservices: A multivocal review
- Estimating costs of multi-component enterprise applications
- Freshening the Air in Microservices: Resolving Architectural Smells via Refactoring
- How to Place Your Apps in the Fog - State of the Art and Open Challenges
- Identifying Failure Causalities in Multi-component Applications
- Making a Business Out of (Predictive Application Management in) the Fog
- Measuring the Fog, Gently
- Meet Genetic Algorithms in Monte Carlo: Optimised Placement of Multi-Service Applications in the Fog
- Mimicking FogDirector application management
- Predictive Analysis to Support Fog Application Deployment
- Probabilistic QoS-aware Placement of VNF chains at the Edge
- Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Ensemble-Based Software Engineering for Modern Computing Platforms, EnSEmble@ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2019, Tallinn, Estonia, August 26, 2019
- Robust Management of Trans-Cloud Applications
- Secure Cloud-Edge Deployments, with Trust
- The EDMM Modeling and Transformation System
- A microservice-based architecture for (customisable) analyses of Docker images
- Analysing Multiple QoS Attributes in Parallel Design Patterns-Based Applications
- Bonsai in the Fog: An active learning lab with Fog computing
- Deploying Fog Applications: How Much Does It Cost, By the Way?
- Explaining Successful Docker Images Using Pattern Mining Analysis
- Fault-aware management protocols for multi-component applications
- Helping Your Docker Images to Spread Based on Explainable Models
- On Enhancing the Orchestration of Multi-container Docker Applications
- Optimising QoS-Assurance, Resource Usage and Cost of Fog Application Deployments
- Orchestrating incomplete TOSCA applications with Docker
- Secure Apps in the Fog: Anything to Declare?
- Simulation-based matching of cloud applications
- TosKer: A synergy between TOSCA and Docker for orchestrating multicomponent applications
- True Concurrent Management of Multi-component Applications
- Application Deployment through the Fog
- Container-Based Support for Autonomic Data Stream Processing Through the Fog
- DockerFinder: Multi-attribute Search of Docker Images
- DrACO: Discovering available cloud offerings
- From (Incomplete) TOSCA Specifications to Running Applications, with Docker
- How to Best Deploy Your Fog Applications, Probably
- Keynote speech 3: QoS-aware deployment of Fog applications
- Modelling the Dynamic Reconfiguration of Application Topologies, Faults Included
- QoS-Aware Deployment of IoT Applications Through the Fog
- Sommelier: A Tool for Validating TOSCA Application Topologies
- TosKer: Orchestrating Applications with TOSCA and Docker
- Towards a Reference Dataset of Microservice-Based Applications
- Validating TOSCA Application Topologies
- A Petri Net-Based Approach to Model and Analyze the Management of Cloud Applications
- Behaviour-Aware Matching of Cloud Applications
- Fault-Aware Application Management Protocols
- Finding available services in TOSCA-compliant clouds
- SeaClouds: An Open Reference Architecture for Multi-cloud Governance
- ToscaMart: A method for adapting and reusing cloud applications
- Adaptive management of applications across multiple clouds: The SeaClouds Approach
- Automated Prediction of the QoS of Service Orchestrations: PASO at Work
- Modelling and Analysing Cloud Application Management
- Modelling the Behaviour of Management Operations in Cloud-based Applications
- SeaClouds: Agile management of complex applications across multiple heterogeneous clouds
- Dynamic Verification of Mashups of Service-Oriented Things through a Mediation Platform
- EU Project SeaClouds - Adaptive Management of Service-based Applications Across Multiple Clouds
- Probabilistic Prediction of the QoS of Service Orchestrations: A Truly Compositional Approach
- Reusing cloud-based services with TOSCA
- SeaClouds: a European project on seamless management of multi-cloud applications
- SeaClouds: Seamless adaptive multi-cloud management of service-based applications
- TOSCA in a Nutshell: Promises and Perspectives
- Workshop on Seamless Adaptive Multi-cloud Management of Service-Based Applications (SeaCloudS): Preface
- Matching Cloud Services with TOSCA
- Run-Time Verification of Behaviour-Aware Mashups in the Internet of Things
- A formalized, taxonomy-driven approach to cross-layer application adaptation
- Behaviour-Aware Compositions of Things
- Research challenges on multi-layer and mixed-initiative monitoring and adaptation for service-based systems
- Towards behaviour-aware compositions of things in the future internet
- Evolving reactive logic programs
- Learning from Failures: A Lightweight Approach to Run-Time Behavioural Adaptation
- On the potential advantages of exploiting behavioural information for contract-based service discovery and composition
- 8th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2010), 1-3 December 2010, Ayia Napa, Cyprus
- Analysing the Behaviour of Peer Specifications for mobile P2P applications
- Design and implementation of Sator: A web service aggregator
- Taxonomy-Driven Adaptation of Multi-layer Applications Using Templates
- A Net-based Approach to Web Services Publication and Replaceability
- A Two-Tiered Approach to Enabling Enhanced Service Discovery in Embedded Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Memorias de la XII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering (CIbSE 2009), Medellín, Colombia, Abril 13-17, 2009
- Software composition with Linda
- Compositional Specification of Web Services Via Behavioural Equivalence of Nets: A Case Study
- Evolving Reactive Logic Programs
- Modelado de sistemas P2P con control de excepciones
- On the Use of Behavioural Equivalences for Web Services' Development
- Ontology- and Behavior-Aware Discovery of Web Service Compositions
- Secure P2P Programming on Top of Tuple Spaces
- Semantics-based composition-oriented discovery of Web services
- Tailoring service discovery to embedded P2P systems
- Workflow Semantics of Peer and Service Behaviour
- Workflow-based semantics for peer-to-peer specifications
- A Behavioural Congruence for Web Services
- A Service-Oriented Model for Embedded Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Behaviour-Aware Discovery of Web Service Compositions
- Discovering Service Compositions That Feature a Desired Behaviour
- From OWL-S Descriptions to Petri Nets
- Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures, FOCLASA 2004, London, UK, August 30, 2004
- SAM : A Semantic Web Service Discovery System
- Service adaptation through trace inspection
- A Prototype for Discovering Compositions of Semantic Web Services
- An Event-Condition-Action Logic Programming Language
- Automated Discovery of Compositions of Services Described with Separate Ontologies
- Automated Generation of BPEL Adapters
- Component adaptation through flexible subservicing
- Dynamic Contextual Adaptation
- Foundations on Coordination Languages and Software Architectures
- From BPEL Processes to YAWL Workflows
- Fully Abstract Semantics for a Coordination Model with Asynchronous Communication and Enhanced Matching
- On the expressiveness of timed coordination models
- On the semantics of software adaptation
- A formal approach to component adaptation
- A framework for specifying and verifying the behaviour of open systems
- Composition-Oriented Service Discovery
- Operational Semantics for DyLPs
- The Refined Extension Principle for Semantics of Dynamic Logic Programming
- The Well Supported Semantics for Multidimensional Dynamic Logic Programs
- Towards Semi-automated Workflow-Based Aggregation of Web Services
- Behavioural Types and Component Adaptation
- Behavioural Types for Service Integration: Achievements and Challenges
- Digital reconstruction of the Arrigo VII funerary complex
- Formalizing Web Service Choreographies
- From Logic Programs Updates to Action Description Updates
- Measuring Component Adaptation
- On the Semantics of Logic Program Composition
- Preface
- Proceedings of FOCLASA 2003, the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures, a satellite event of CONCUR 2003, Marseille, France, September 2, 2003
- Semantics for Dynamic Logic Programming: A Principle-Based Approach
- Towards an Engineering Approach to Component Adaptation
- Well Founded Semantics for Logic Program Updates
- A Deductive Database Approach to A.I. Planning
- An Evolvable Rule-Based E-mail Agent
- An Evolving Agent with EVOLP
- Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures, FOCLASA 2002, Satellite Workshop of CONCUR 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, August 19, 2002
- Logic Programming for Evolving Agents
- On the expressiveness of coordination via shared dataspaces
- On the Expressiveness of Relative-Timed Coordination Models
- On the specification of software adaptation
- Preface: Proceedings of FOCLASA 2003, the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures, a satellite event of CONCUR 2003
- Safe Composition of Linda-based Components
- Soft component adaptation
- Adapting Components with Mismatching Behaviours
- Compatibility of Linda-based Component Interfaces
- Dynamically Adapting the Behaviour of Software Components
- Evolving Logic Programs
- Formal Methods and Component Interaction 2002, ICALP 2002 Satellite Workshop, Málaga, Spain, July 12, 2002
- On Modeling Coordination via Asynchronous Communication and Enhanced Matching
- Preface
- Preface
- Security and Dynamic Compositions of Open Systems
- Systematic Component Adaptation
- Comparative analysis of the expressiveness of shared dataspace coordination
- Computing Environment-Aware Agent Behaviours with Logic Program Updates
- Coordinating interaction patterns
- From Subject Directories to Subject Meta-directories via Declarative Programming
- Linear Embedding for a Quantitative Comparison of Language Expressiveness
- Probabilistic behaviours of reactive agents
- Security Issues in Component-based Design
- On the Interplay between Reactivity and Computation
- On Timed Coordination Languages
- Special Issue on Logical Formalisms for Program Composition - Editorial
- Dynamic composition of parameterised logic modules
- ExpertFinder: A Prolog Recommender System Integrated with the WWW
- Interactive Information System for the Camposanto Monumentale of Pisa
- On the Expressiveness of Coordination Models
- Programming by Combining General Logic Programs
- A Program Specialiser for Meta-Level Compositions of Logic Programs
- On the Expressiveness of Linda-like Concurrent Languages
- The Use of Renaming in Composing General Programs
- A Turing machine contest for introducing high school students to computer science
- A Unifying View for Logic Programming with Non-Monotonic Reasoning
- Composing General Logic Programs
- Modeling Coordination via Asynchronous Communication
- The Logic of Totally and Partially Ordered Plans: A Deductive Database Approach
- Pruning the Search Space of Logic Programs
- Specialising Meta-level Compositions of Logic Programs
- An Abductive Framework for Extended Logic Programming
- Fully Abstract Composition Semantics for an Algebra of Logic Programs
- Amalgamating Language and Meta-language for Composing Logic Programs
- Gödel as a Meta-Language for Composing Logic Programs
- ICPL 1994 Workshop W1: Process-Based Parallel Logic Programming, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, June, 1994
- Implementations of Program Composition Operations
- Modular Logic Programming
- Semantics of Meta-Logic in an Algebra of Programs
- Composing Open Logic Programs
- Distributed Logic Programming
- ATMS for Implementing Logic Programming
- Compositional Model-Theoretic Semantics for Logic Programs
- Meta for Modularising Logic Programming
- Metalogic for State Oriented Programming
- Normal Logic Programs as Open Positive Programs
- The Implementation of a Distributed Model for Logic Programming Based on Multiple-Headed Clauses
- Abductive Reasoning in a Multi-Theory Framework
- Constraints for Synchronizing Logic Coarse-grained Sequential Logic Processes
- Metalogic for Knowledge Representation
- Objects in a Logic Programming Framework
- Open Logic Theories
- The Concurrent Language, Shared Prolog
- Theory Construction in Computational Logic
- AND-Parallelism without Shared Variables
- Hypothetical Reasoning in Logic Programming: A Semantic Approach
- Inheritance and Hypothetical Reasoning in Logic Programming
- Logic Programming within a Functional Framework
- Universal Quantification by Case Analysis
- A Distributed, Net Oriented Semantics for Delta Prolog
- Model Theoretic, Fixpoint and Operational Semantics for a Distributed Logic Language